We plan and put the best internationalization strategies
at your service

  • Market and sector analyses
  • Business events and international exhibitions
  • Partner search and business relationships development
  • D-TEM services
  • Business delegations
  • Export plans and strategies to access new markets
  • Trade and partnership agreements
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Market analyses and sector studies

We provide timely and in-depth information on a market or sector in order to ensure to our clients to understand the dynamics and opportunities in the target countries. Depending on the objective pursued, the analysis with primary and/or secondary sources includes:

  • Market size and potential (opportunities and entry barriers)
  • Market segmentation
  • Competitor analysis
  • Consumer preferences and behaviour
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Business events
and international exhibitions

We organise and participate in on-site and online exhibitions and international business events together or on behalf of our clients. In order to make the most of entrepreneurial initiatives and maximise trade opportunities arising out of an international exhibition, we provide the following services:

  • Finding exhibitions and strategic events
  • Providing organisational assistance - booking the exhibition area, setting up the stand and providing interpreting and logistic support
  • Assisting the client during the event
  • Follow-up and meeting reports
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Partner search and business relationship development

We support companies in searching for, identifying and selecting ideal trade partners in target sectors and countries. Once the potential partners have been identified, we manage contacts and develop business relationships. This service is tailored for companies trying to enter new countries or simply expand their foothold in the countries where they already operate. The activities we carry out include:

  • Identifying the ideal foreign partner - distributors, agents, importers, representatives or wholesalers
  • Profiling partners
  • Creating a contact list
  • Developing and managing contacts

We can also support companies in looking for and maintaining contact with international strategic suppliers in order to import high-quality raw materials, semi-finished or finished goods at competitive prices.

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Digital - Temporary Export Manager

We work alongside our clients through professional Digital-Temporary Export Managers. For a limited and planned period of time, we support SMEs – also inside their premises – in boosting their foreign turnover by helping them build a comprehensive export strategy, including digital export. D-TEMs’ activities are constantly coordinated with the company’s internal team, also with a view to transferring know-how and work methodology. D-TEMs’ main activities are:

  • Analysing the company’s organisation and assessing its products / services
  • Identifying and selecting target markets
  • Formulating entry strategies
  • Finding ideal partners
  • Designing company presentation material
  • Making and maintaining contact with foreign partners
  • Managing orders (including logistics)
  • Negotiations and follow-up
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Business delegations

We organise, manage and participate in business and / or institutional incoming and outgoing missions in sectors of interest. Our services include, but are not limited to:

  • Planning tailored itineraries (visits to industrial and business clusters)
  • Organising B2B meetings, matchmaking and networking events
  • Providing practical and tangible help during the mission (logistics, interpreting and negotiation support)
  • Developing business relationships and conducting follow-up activities
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Export plans and strategies
to access new markets

We draw up strategic action plans that enable our clients to access specific target countries and develop and expand their commercial foothold there. The Export Plan sets out the go-to-market strategy, including the required digital solutions, and contains at least the following information:

  • Selection of foreign countries and related opportunities
  • Strategic entry plan
  • Offline and online organisation of operational actions

Trade and partnership

We support companies in negotiating international trade and partnership agreements. Thanks to our knowledge of cultural and entrepreneurial dynamics, as well as first-hand experience in specific countries and close contacts with law, tax, accounting and administrative firms, we facilitate the creation of a result-oriented environment.


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    (+39) 329 412 1682



